Thursday 27 February 2014

Quran Update

Assalaamu Alaycom,

Dear Parents
Next week, we have quiz in Surat Az-Zalzalah.

Jazacom Allahu khairan

Monday 17 February 2014

SK1 Updates (Feb10-Feb14)

As-salam Alikum Dear Parents,

Language Arts:

For the last two weeks, our focus was on practicing the short and long vowels of our fourth phonic book. MashaAllah the SK1 are doing a wonderful job in distinguishing between these vowels. Way to go SK1.

SK1 students learned a song about the short and long vowels. Please ask your child about it!!

We also finished our Vowel Sound Book.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

A Message from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum

Yesterday, your child received the Read With Me program reading log along with other information. Please note that the program starts on Monday, the 17 of February and not before. In addition, the forms must be returned  on Mondays. If the child does not return the reading log on time, he or she will receive the following week’s reading log and will not get the current one. For instance, if he or she returns the reading log #1 on the Thursday, February 27, the child will receive the reading log #3. Please make sure to return the reading log sheets on time.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.
Happy Reading!

Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian
70 Fieldrow Street
Ottawa Ontario K2G 2Y7
Tel: 613-226-1396

Sunday 9 February 2014

A Message from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

For the past few years now, the school library has been running the Read With Me program. In fact, the program is starting Monday, February 17, 2014. For more information, please go to

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or via email.


Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian
70 Fieldrow Street
Ottawa Ontario K2G 2Y7
Tel: 613-226-1396

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Quran updates from Tr. Sahar

Assalaamu Alaycom,

Dear Parents
We are still working in Surat Az-Zalzalah.

Jazaacom Allahu khayran

Saturday 1 February 2014

SK1 Updates: (Jan.17- Jan.28)

Language Arts:

We are still working in our fourth phonic book. The focus will be on:

The Sound of Short Vowels

If there is one vowel in a one-syllable word, it is
usually short vowel sound.

Examples: pan- met - rid- rod - tub.

The Sound of Long Vowels:

Long vowels heard in the middle of a one-syllable
word are usually formed in one of two ways:

Two vowels together – the first vowel is long and the second vowel is silent (example: pāin).

 A vowel followed by a consonant or consonants and a silent e at the end of a word (example: pāne).

 We are also learning about the following digraphs: ai,oa,ie,ee,or

 Some examples are:

ai:  rain- paint-snail

oa:  oak-goat-road

i-e:  kite-bike-fine

ee: sheep- keep- tree

or: storm-fork-horse

We read some poems about these digraphs, please ask your child about it!

 Next week inshaAllah the students will make their own Vowel Sound Book.