Saturday 26 April 2014

SK1 Updates! (April14-April25)

Assalam Alikum Dear Parents,
Here are some updates from our classroom.

Language Arts:

In phonics, we learned how to sound out the consonant digraph, "th"
Action: pretend to be naughty clowns and stick out tongue a little for th, and further for th.
Alhamdullelah we finished phonic book 6. Next week we will start our last phonic book 7 inshaAllah.

Sunday 13 April 2014

SK1 Updates! (April 07- April11)

Assalam Alikum Dear Parents,

Some updates from our classroom.

Language Arts:


In phonics, we have learned how to sound out the consonant blends ch and sh.

ch: Action: Move arms at sides as if you are a train and say ch,ch,ch.
sh: Action: Place index finger over lips and say shshsh.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Popcorn Sale to Raise Funds for Grade 6 Graduation

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Dear Parents/Students,

The Grade 6 students are organizing a popcorn sale this Thursday, April 10. Be ready to buy some delicious popcorn! The prices depending on the size are: $0.50, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00.

Counting on your generous support,
The Grade 6 Students

Monday 7 April 2014

SK1 Updates (Mar 31- April 4)

Assalam Alikum Dear Parents,

Some updates from our classroom.

Language Arts:

In phonics, last week, we have learned how to sound out the letters X and Y.
Y: Action: Pretend to be eating a yogurt and say y, y, y.                                  
X: Action: Pretend to take an x-ray with an x-ray camera, saying ks,ks,ks.

Shared Reading:

Alhamdullelah, all the SK1 students finished reading the book what can I see?

Literature Club:

Alhamdullelah we have been able to successfully launch our literature club. Every Monday afternoon small groups of SK1 students step out of the classroom and join Sr. Naaz and Sr. Lindsay (our Literature Club volunteers) in a huddled reading session. The children have been really enjoying these sessions, and look forward to having them every Monday inshaAllah.
 In addition, Tr. Nancy our school librarian reads to the children books related to our classroom themes.

Reading Program:

Every Monday, students will take their book bags home for the reading program and bring it back every Monday to get a new book, InshaAllah.

Book Fair!!!

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming this Wednesday and Friday! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event.

We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s books. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the Fair up to $6 comes directly back to our school? Your support of this vital literary event is key in helping us obtain new books and resources for our library and classrooms.

You’ll find hundreds of quality books at our book fair with a wide assortment for all reading levels. On Monday, April 7, 2014, your child will be bringing home the book fair flyer that provides a preview to only a FEW  of the many books available for purchase at our fair.

The flyer also contains a special Family Event Draw ballot that parents can deposit during our book fair. You could win $50 in books – $25 for your family PLUS $25 for your child’s classroom!

Don’t forget to mark the book fair dates on your calendar! We look forward to seeing you during our Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you, in advance, for supporting this great literary fundraiser. Mostly, thank you for believing in books and the importance reading has on your child’s future.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 9 and Friday, April 11, 2014

TIME: 8:45 to 3:30 (both days)

WHERE: School Library


Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian

Thursday 3 April 2014

Quran Updates: Tr.Sahar

Assalaamu Alaycom,

Dear Parents
Next week we have quiz in Surat Al-Qadr.

Jazaacom Allahu khayran
Tr:Sahar Ahmad