Thursday, 11 December 2014

Abraar School International Day

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

On Thursday, the 18th of December, Abraar School will hold an International Day Event. This event will allow students to celebrate their ethnicity and learn and appreciate the diversity of cultures and languages that exist in our school.
Teachers, staff, and students are encouraged to come in their traditional clothes from either of their parents' cultures. Students who are not planning to wear a traditional dress should come in their school uniform. 

Students can bring in a traditional dish to share with their class.  If you would like your child to bring in a special traditional food to share with their class, please make sure it is NUT FREE and SESAME FREE. Please make sure you label your plates and utensils so that they may be returned to you. 

Jazakum Allahu khairan for your ongoing support!