Assalam Alikum Dear Parents,
Some updates from our classroom.
Language Arts:
In phonics, last week, we have learned how to sound out the letters X
and Y.
Y: Action: Pretend to be eating a yogurt and say y, y, y.
Action: Pretend to take an x-ray with an x-ray camera, saying ks,ks,ks.
all the SK1 students finished reading the book what can I see?
Literature Club:
we have been able to successfully launch our literature club. Every Monday
afternoon small groups of SK1 students step out of the classroom and join Sr.
Naaz and Sr. Lindsay (our Literature Club volunteers) in a huddled reading
session. The children have been really enjoying these sessions, and look
forward to having them every Monday inshaAllah.
In addition, Tr. Nancy our school librarian reads
to the children books related to our classroom themes.
Every Monday, students will take their book bags
home for the reading program and bring it back every Monday to get a new book,