Sunday 15 November 2015

SK1 Weekly Updates: ( Nov.09 - Nov. 13)

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah Dear Parents,I hope and pray that all of you are doing well. We had a wonderful week alhamdulilah!

Arabic Language: احب اللغة العربية
We reviewed and studied the letters ( أ – د ), the name of harakat (fatah, kasra , and dama) and how to read the letters studied with them; this has been accomplished though a number of activities, such as songs, games, stories and competitions. The children have found these activities to be exciting and fun. Please ask your children about them and watch as they make the sounds and the actions.

Lesson Title: The letter  د  The students worked on the Arabic letter in the classroom.

Reading: Read the letter د   with short vowels (fatha, kasra and dama).

Writing: Practice writing the letter د   in the arabic workbook and textbook at school. How to write the د  at the beginning- middle- and end of words.

Orally:  Ask the kids what is your name? and how are you? in Arabic. Know the different between asking a boy or a girl ( feminine and masculine ) كيف حالك ؟ ما اسمـك؟  The kids have to answer in a complete sentences.
how many days in a week? كم يوم في الاسبوع ؟
What day is today? ما اليوم ؟

Show and Tell:
MashaAllah and thank you to all the SK1 students who brought some items for show and tell. This activity is really important to improve the students' speaking skills in Arabic and to increase their self confidence insha'Allah. Please remember to post your child’s Show & Tell on the fridge to remind him/her of the day they suppose to do their turn.

Below are some questions that the students usually use for show and tell:

ما لونها ؟

من اين اشتريتها ؟

هل هى هدية؟ 

لماذا احضرتها معك ؟

اين تضعها في المنزل ؟

هل هي حية ام غير حية ؟

هل هى ناعمة ام خشنة الملمس ؟

هل هى صلبة - سائلة ام غازية ؟

كيف تعمل ؟

هل تطفو ام تغوص ؟

 كيف صنعتها\صنعتيها ؟

هل هي كبيرة ام صغيرة ام متوسطة الحجم ؟

هل هي سريعة ام بطيئة ؟

Some of the items sk1 brought for show and tell.

Reading Buddies:
The children have been really enjoying this session, and looking forward to having them every second week. Thank you teacher Seher and the grade 4 students.

Please check the YouTube below for further practice at home:

November Du`aa'

اللَّهُمَّ نَقِّ قَلْبِي مِنَ الْخَطَايَا كَمَا نَقَّيْتَ الثَّوْبَ الأَبْيَضَ مِنَ الدَّنَسِ 

Allāhumma naqqi qalbī min al-khaṭāyā kamā naqqaitath-thawbal-abyaḍa min ad-dannas

“O Allah, cleanse my heart of sins as You cleanse a white garment of filth"

Reference: Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3547
In-book reference: Book 48, Hadith 178
English translation: Vol. 6, Book 45, Hadith 3547

SK1 students are practicing to memorize this dua'a. Please ask your child about it!

Since our school's trait for this month is cleanliness. We are talking about how to keep ourselves clean, in addition we are learning how to keep our desks clean, neat placement of jackets and shoes, clean mouth (not saying bad words), recycling...etc.)

To help the sk1 students better understand this trail, I read the following stories. Please ask your child about it.

Art: we integrated the theme about cleanliness with art and with the Arabic language. The   SK1 students wrote شكرا لكم (Thank you)  on a big card  and they gave it to the custodians. 

Last week we took number eight.

We are still working in the pattern unit.

We are learning about the three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas).The SK1 are learning a song about it. Please ask your child about the new song and have fun singing together.!

(Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”) 

Last week, SK1 learned how to distinguish between the three states. They draw in their science journals what they think is Solid-liquid or gas. Way to go sk1.

Islamic Studies:
We are still discussing the five pillars of Islam. We revisited the fourth pillar which is Zakat and we encouraged the kids to bring some items to donate to the sadaqa food bank.

We are holding a 2 week long food drive to collect non-perishable food items startingNOW!

The 4 main items mainly needed are: 

 • Pasta 
• Tomato Sauce
• Tomato Paste
• Tuna or Sardines
• Peanut Butter, Jam
• Honey

• Kids’ Breakfast Cereals
• Canned fruits
• Canned vegetables
• Salt or Sugar 


Last day to drop off items: Nov. 25th, 2015

Star Of The Week!

We’ve had some shining stars amongst us! Congratulations to the following students for being the most recent STARS OF THE WEEK: Maya and Idriss

We hope to see many more stars brightening up our SK1 classroom. The stars of the week are chosen based on overall behavior throughout the week, homework completion, participation, and acts of kindness.
SK1 Early Arabic Language Immersion Program Team (EALIP)