Assalamu alaykum wa ramatullahi
wa barakatuhu Dear Parents,
Inshaa Allah you all enjoyed your time with your loved-ones over the March
Dental Screening at Abraar School will be taking place this Wednesday, March 19th
Some updates from the week before the March break (Mar03- Mar06).
Language Arts:
phonic: We covered the letter sound "v" and "ng".
Reading: we are learning to read a new sentences from our new booklet! Best Friends.
Best friends share books.
Best friends share hats.
Best friends share cupcakes.
Best friends share secrets.
Best friends share presents.
But best of all, best friends share hugs.
We learned how to measure the weight of an object using non- standard units of measurement. We learned how to use a balance scale.
We also learned how to measure the area. We did many hands on activities to learn about these different topics.
Islamic studies:
We made a small booklet about salah (prayer)
We learned about the names of the five prayers.
We learned about the times we pray.
We read the story I can pray anywhere!
Jazakum Allahu Khairan!!
For sending the treats for our 100 days of school party. We had such a memorable party, with activities, balloons and 100th day certificates!
our main focus in the math activities was orally counting from 1 to 100.
we counted by one, five and by tens.
We also read a story about the 100 days of school.
Please note: There was NO homework given for the March break!