Friday, 23 September 2016

Week 3

Assalamu alaikum!

This is what we did during this awesome week that has passed.

  •          Learning the correct formation of the letter Aa, and writing the letter Aa in their Jolly Phonics books.  We brainstormed for words that begin with one of the two sounds that the letter Aa makes.
  •          Every morning we read the morning message together focusing on the words I, am, and the.  The students were able to read the morning message on their own masha’Allah, this gave me goosebumps (I explained to the kids what goosebumps were and now they always ask me “teacher did you get goosebumps?”. 
  •          We sang an Arabic/English song about the four seasons, and an English song about Fall.  Insha’Allah we will be working on this song in print so that the kids will become familiar with the repeating words in the song.
  •         We read a story called The Dot, and another called Babysitting Grandma.  The kids really enjoyed making predictions in the story, and I enjoyed listening to the different ways the children understood the stories.

  •          We talked about our favourite animals, and our favourite colours.


  •          In math we are counting everything we get our hands on, counting kids, counting shoes, counting blocks. We are counting down the days to our field trip.  Insha’Allah next week we will start our number booklets that helps us learn the numbers and number words from 1-20. 

  •         We are also working on comparison words such as: more than, or less than or most and least, or first and last.


  •          Talking  about the fall and the changes that happen in the fall.

  •         Did a science experiment on how germs spread (using glitter and high fives), and the importance of washing our hands.


  •         Talked about Allah SWT the creator.  Being thankful to Allah for giving us eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and noses.

  •         Learning the steps of wudu and learning the etiquettes of a masjid when we transform our classroom into a masjid for our Friday prayer.

  •         Today our friend Hamza did the iqama and last week it was our friend Adam.  Insha’Allah the boys will be taking turns leading the prayers and the girls will be leading the du’aa.

  •         We are still working on gym safety and following the rules, especially the freeze command in the case of an emergency.

  •          Tuesday the weather was really nice so we decided to go to the city park for gym class.

  •          We played a game called ANT TAG, and the kids did a really good job of following the rules mashallah.

Looking forward to another exciting week, and our Eid field trip insha’Allah!

Safiah Aghliw
SK1 Teacher