Monday 31 October 2016

ENGLISH UPDATE – Week of October 24th

This week’s morning message was about the weather changing, and the need to start wearing warmer clothing.  We introduced the word “I” versus the letter “i”, and we also introduced the word “is”. 
Students are now encouraged to attempt to read short words by saying the sound each letter makes and connecting the letters.  Masha’Allah some students are already reading words such as: sat, sit, nap, tan etc.
Along with our morning announcements, students now get the chance to talk about their day with Rocky or Slippy.  We have started sending our class pets Rocky and Slippy home with the SK1 and SK2 students.  Once the student brings the class pets back to school, they get to tell us about all the things they did with the class pet at their home.  Having the students take home these class pets instills in them a sense of responsibility. 
-        This week we reviewed our letters and worked on finishing off our phonics book number 1.  Insha’Allah we’ll be starting book 2 next week.
-        This week we read the story Aaron’s Hair and we talked about FICTION vs. NON-FICTION, SETTING, and MAIN CHARACTER.  The students were able to retell the story in their own words masha’Allah.
-        Book 2 letters Cc, Kk, Rr.
-        Reading short words made up of the letters taken so far SATIPN.
-        Rhyming words continued.
-        Use of descriptive words to describe objects in the classroom.

-        Good manners words and phrases.